Employs a low-noise brushless motor with large capacity battery to provide strong percussion to muscle soreness, releasing muscle energy
With 4 different interchangeable massage heads and 3 massage strengths, the massage gun will activate your muscles when warming up, get into exercise state as fast as possible, and relieve muscle pain when relaxing
Massager working time is up to 6 hours and the charging time is 3-4 hours
The massage gun will blink red when charging and stays red when it’s charged
The massage gun will need to be used in a wall plug that is 5v
The massage gun is designed to run for 10 minutes and then will shut off automatically and need to be turned on again
Includes USB to USB-C cable
FCC certified
1.75"W x 3.5"H x 5.5"D
Screen print
Country of origin: China
This item is from an Asian-owned business
This item may only be shipped via Ground transportation.
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